See the bigger picture

Session playback with the logs you need to understand bugs and support tickets.

Trusted by these great companies:

Never ask for clarification again

Get to the bottom of a user problem in minutes with all of the information in one place.

live video
user timeline
network logs
javascript errors
session details

Watch a pixel-perfect replay of what the user saw.

See the history of everything a user has done in your app, color-coded by feature usage.

Inspect every request and response with full headers and bodies.

Full logs from the user session, including errors and warnings.

Information about the user's browser, app version, and history with your product.

Works with your stack

LogRocket works regardless of language or framework, and we provide SDKs for specific technologies.



Plain JS




Integrates with the tools you already use.

Adam Veary
development lead, aol
“Often it's hard to know if a user is just confused or actually experiencing a bug. LogRocket lets us quickly see what the user saw as well as developer context to understand what was actually going on.”

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3 min installation - Try all features free for 14 days - Cancel at any time

LogRocket Live: Understand user problems without back-and-forth.